Thursday, June 26, 2008

HOTNEWS : Video Mesum Jombang/Pacitan, Prostitusi dlm Bis, Trik mempercepat Firefox dll

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Heboh Video Mesum Pelajar Jombang dan Pacitan

video mesum pelajarVideo mesum di kalangan pelajar kembali beredar. Kali ini terjadi di dua kota yang berbeda yaitu Jombang dan Pacitan.

Pelaku video porno di Jombang adalah dua pelajar yang telah ditangkap polisi di dua lokasi berbeda, Kamis (26/6/2008). Perempuan berinisial AYP (17) pelaku video porno tercatat sebagai pelajar salah satu SMU PGRI, sedang pelaku laki-laki AH (21), merupakan lulusan salah satu SMK di Jombang. …read full article…

Prostitusi dalam bis tertangkap

bus prostitusiKendaraan yang diduga menjadi bordil bergerak di negara bagian Florida, AS, dirazia polisi.

Tim detektif yang menyamar di Pantai Miami dilaporkan membayar uang masuk $40 untuk bisa naik ke mobil tersebut dan mendapati beberapa wanita menawarkan adegan seks dan tari erotik dengan imbalan uang. …read full article…

Jake Gyllenhaal pindah ke rumah Reese Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon dan Jake GyllenhaalReese Witherspoon dan Jake Gyllenhaal sedang menuju ke altar pernikahan.

Demikian isu terakhir yang dilaporkan oleh Us Weekly ketika Gyllenhaal dikabarkan telah pindah dan tinggal di rumah senilai lima juta dollar milik Witherspoon di LA. Dan Gyllenhaal saat ini telah diterima sebagai bagian dalam keluarga sang artis.

. …read full article…

Maksimalkan Wi-Fi segarkan lingkungan kota

wi fiBangkok - Siapa tak senang tinggal di kota hijau nan nyaman? Demi mewujudkan impian itulah, kota Bangkok, Thailand, berniat memaksimalkan fasilitas akses internet nirkabel alias Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) bagi warganya.

Dengan berleha-leha di dunia maya, penduduk diharap bisa terkoneksi dengan orang tersayang atau mencari informasi tanpa harus melakukan perjalanan boros biaya pun menebar polusi di seantero kota. …read full article…

2 Trik menambah kecepatan browser Firefox

mozilla firefox 3 bugMeskipun browser Firefox terkenal dengan kecepatan aksesnya yang maksimal dibanding browser-browser lain, masih ada 2 cara bagi pengguna browser andalan Mozilla ini untuk menambah kecepatan browser.

Kedua cara dapat dengan mudah dilakukan seperti di bawah ini : …read full article…

Microsoft, Yahoo and Google Will Fight Over $106 Billion in 2011

MicrosoftMicrosoft, Yahoo and Google are currently dividing between them the large majority of no less than $65.2 billion, which is the worldwide spending on Internet advertising this year, according to market analyst company IDC. But between 2008 and 2011, just four years from now, Internet spending will explode to no less than $106 Billion. “Compared to more mature types of advertising, Internet advertising is growing at a phenomenal rate,” explained John Gantz, chief research officer at IDC. …read full article…

New Nokia ShapeShift Concept Phone

Nokia ShapeshiftAfter the amazing Morph handset, presented by Nokia at the beginning of the year, we now have another shape-shifting concept to bear the Finnish giant manufacturer’s logo. Named exactly Nokia ShapeShift, the new concept is not presented by Nokia, as it was the case with Morph, but by Rune Larsen, a designer who is not at his first attempt of this kind.

Unlike Morph, which should be a device that can entirely change its form, Rune Larsen’s Nokia is able to change only the shape of its touchscreen display. …read full article…

Official EEE Box Press Photos and Specs Hit the Web

EEE BoxAs you probably know only too well, the EEE PC from Asus proved to be a huge success, so the company has decided to release a desktop version as well. You’ve been able to read quite a lot about what this thing will be able to provide, but there were relatively few details regarding the colors you’ll be able to choose from. But things have now changed.

Thus, the people over at Eee PC News have managed to get their hands on a pretty interesting gallery of press shots of the new EEE Box, apparently coming from the German branch of the Amazon online store. …read full article…

Digital switchover is ‘a mystery’

digital dawnMany people are still buying analogue TV sets unaware that they will soon need extra equipment to make them work, according to a report from MPs.

A parliamentary report claims that many viewers do not understand the implications of the digital switchover, despite a £200m campaign.

It says the digital tick labelling scheme for digital TVs is a “mystery” to many sales staff and customers. …read full article…

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