Saturday, January 15, 2011

YouSayToo: Unique Bloggers Community

We often hear about blogging activity and how it help bloggers to get some extra income. There are many websites in the internet providing these types of activity. One worth to mention is This is a unique bloggers community focusing on revenue sharing. In this site, bloggers can create their own blogs, post articles, upload games, start discussions and of course at the same time making some extra income.

The interesting thing about YouSayToo is, it allows bloggers to add all their blogs (whether it comes from Blogger, WordPress, TypePad, LiveJournal or FaceBook and blogging platforms) and manage them all within this site. With this special feature "Add Your Blog," bloggers can have all their blogging activities, make more friends and have extra income.

Flash games uploaded by bloggers are also other special feature that bloggers may not easily find in other blogging platforms. This feature is also a perfect way to earn extra income. What they need to do is to choose their favorite flash games, upload and write some good reviews. Once they share the flash games with their friends, this activity will bring some cash to them too.

Simply visit YouSayToo and discover how this unique blogging community can help bloggers like you to blog, make new friends, and make some extra income.

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