Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Madonna & Jesus: For the mouse

Madonna & JesusIf the rumor is to be believed, is the PR Liaison between the Queen of Pop and the Brazilian model Jesus Luz recent snow from yesterday.

But why so suddenly appeared between the two but so far everything in the butter to be? So last week, Madonna has performed in the context of their Stick & Sweety Tour in Milan and became even more common when shopping trip with her so-called Boy Toy sighted. Yet even at this stage appear to be dark clouds on the "relationship" wide to have made, because the two have long slept in separate beds, as an unknown source on the record existed.

Anyway, the reason for the sudden-off relationship is therefore probably quite banal: "You do not have enough time for him." Ah, all clear - but the two of them actually have their "relationship" is also never officially confirmed.

Nevertheless, throws himself at the end the question of what Jesus from Luz 'career will be? The expected 'crash relationship' rather less damage, is still his career thanks to the quasi-Tête à Tête with Madonna has been strongly stimulated: The model is now on everyone's lips, and was only in May as part of a large photo gallery in the French fashion magazine 'L'Official' to admire.

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